Terms & Conditions
Base Dance Company:
Terms & Conditions
To help you get the best out of Base Dance Company and understand both our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read the following terms and conditions. The language used should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. The following policies exist to safeguard the wellbeing of our pupils and ensure our studio continues with high quality teaching and enjoyment of dance. Base Dance Company reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these terms and conditions are not complied with. The studio will review and amend its policies on a regular basis and advises parents and pupils to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained.
Fees, payment and refunds
1.1 In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes. Payment is required monthly in advanced, by subscription only.
1.2 Signing up through our system and setting up a subscription is the only registration and payment method Base Dance Company will accept. We are no longer accepting cash, cheques or monthly BACS payments.
1.3 We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts and/or collection date if necessary. In this case, you will be given notice via email prior to collection.
1.4 Fees are renewed annually.
1.5 Payment will be taken from the account you specify on 1st/2nd of every month. Failure to make payment on time may result in losing your place in chosen class(es). If you are having trouble paying, please speak to a member of our team (Emmy or Clare) and we will do our best to help.
1.6 Prices are based on 39 weeks of classes and pro-rated over 12 months.
1.7 Fees and event payments are non-refundable.
1.8 Refunds will not be given for non-attendance of classes. If a class is cancelled due to the sickness of the teacher, a health epidemic, bank holiday or any other seen or unforeseen event, a substitute class or extension of the class in following weeks will take place to compensate for this.
1.9 Trial sessions are non-refundable.
2.2 Should you wish to cancel one or all of your child’s classes then we require one month’s written notice via email along with fees. (reception@basedancecompany.co.uk)
Classes and performances
3.1 A register for each class is maintained by the teacher and records student attendance for the purposes of health and safety, and security.
3.2 We advise that your child does not bring any valuables (i.e. phones, money, jewellery etc.) with them to classes. Base Dance Company do not accept any liability for any lost or damaged belongings.
3.3 Base Dance Company endeavor to ensure that your children are dancing in a safe and comfortable environment, their safety is paramount to us. We ask you to bring and collect your child promptly and provide us details of changes in drop off/pick up arrangements, special medical needs etc.
3.4 Please ensure that Base Dance Company receives any changes to dancers contact details in writing. All details will be held in strict confidentiality (Data Protection Act 1998) and will not be passed on to outside parties.
3.5 Base Dance Company cannot be held responsible for any injuries incurred during dance classes. Teachers will ensure students are learning and progressing in a safe manner.
3.6 Due to health and safety and safeguarding no parents or guardians will be allowed into or outside of the studio while the class takes place. Parents must remain downstairs at a minimum while the class takes place.
4.1 Dancers are required to wear Base Dance Company branded merchandise with in classes (at minimum this must be a BDC T-Shirt). All merch is available to purchase via the shop link.
4.2 Suitable uniform should be worn for dance classes i.e. T-shirts, Jumpers, Leggings, Shorts, Joggers.
4.3 Dancers are to wear suitable jewellery only to classes, for example a simple necklace, stud earrings and band rings. Hooped Earrings, Studded Rings, statement jewellery is prohibited within classes for obvious safety reason.
4.4 Any students wishing to take part in our shows or performances will be required to purchase costumes, BDC merch, tickets etc.
5.1 Unruly, disruptive behaviour in class will not be tolerated. We have a strict anti-bullying policy in place and expect our students to always adhere to this.
5.2 We believe in teaching boundaries and setting a good example in line with our positive ethos to build our student’s confidence.
5.3 Our staff will not tolerate abusive, inappropriate or disruptive behaviour from students or parents. We will treat everyone with respect and appreciate the same in return.
5.4 If a child/ parent displays consistent inappropriate, unruly or aggressive behaviour, this could result in termination of class membership.
6.1 Any medical conditions must be disclosed upon registration, and responsibility fall on you, the parent/guardian, to update us when necessary thereafter. It is imperative that we are always fully aware of any health implications, for your child’s safety and your own peace of mind.
6.2 Base Dance Company’s communication is made via email and social media. Please ensure you follow our social media platforms for updates and continue to check spam/junk email folders. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep up to date with all relevant information regarding their child.
Facebook – Base Dance Company
Instagram – basedancecompany_bdc
Please direct any emails to reception@basedancecompany.co.uk
6.3 All events are a choice, therefore show participation is not compulsory.
If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss further, please email us and we would be happy to help –
I understand and give consent to use of photographs and video recordings from time to time including Base Dance Company’s website/Facebook/Instagram /internet for press and promotional development of the school.
By enrolling my son/daughter to Base Dance Company, I confirm that I accept the above terms and conditions.
Many thanks,
Base Dance Company